Sunday, April 5, 2009

Where are we now?

So let me attempt to get everyone up to speed on the "what's new with the Tahu's" and hopefully I'll be able to keep an "up to date" on everything rather than a "catch up" blog every six months. So let me first start with my wife and I....
My wife has been working hard on finding something to help out with the family income. She has been doing a wonderful job with the children (we'll get to them in a bit) and just doing her best to make a difference. Right now she's on a good groove with couponing. Not quite the expert but with all get has to do it and what she comes home with it sure looks she is. As for myself I'm still living the life working at Cinnamon Hills and taking care of other peoples kids. The biggest thing for me is working on sticking to my Weight Watchers. My starting weight was 422 around the first week of February. Stay tuned for an update on that.
The Children have all been doing great, getting bigger, hungrier, and they say the darndest things! Alex is nearing the end of his 3rd grade year and is looking forward to being "the big 4th grader." He seems to have a lot of "girly" friends but denies any such thing.
Bear is getting taller by the day and tries her best to keep her girlish ways with a house full of boys. She's been mommies little helper with the two little ones and telling on the boys. She still writes random songs but are actually making sense now :) . She is determined to one day be the best at karate. Leo is enjoying life in the kindergarten and coming home with the silliest things to say. No matter what kind of day it is he always has something to say to brighten it in an instant. The former King of the house (Maika) is non-stop bossy, demanding and trouble making which turns into the most manipulative charm anyone can ask for. We are in the process of potty training him and seems to be coming along pretty well as long as we stay on top of it and get into the bathroom before he locks the door and makes a mess.
Now for the Grand Master of all...Elias. Running on 9 months now he is finally making it through most of the night without needing a bottle. He almost has all his front teeth now and seems to need it soon seeing how his baby food isn't enough for him and wants what everyone else eats. He still does need his bottle before bed time though. It won't be long until he starts using his teeth for steak and eggs!
So in a nutshell that's what the Tahus are up to. A lot of life lived and a lot more to go through. The biggest thing coming up in our lives is the blessing of finally being able to have a house of our own! With the tremendous help from family members we have the opportunity to be a part of the process of watching our own home be built. They've just finish insulating the house and are waiting for the dry wall to begin. We are on the downhill part of the building process, seems like eternity for it to finish but we are patiently waiting the day we get to move in!

This is our story for now, we pray and hope all of you are doing well and are able to make it through the hard times we all seem to be going through with the trials of our economy. May you find the comfort and blessings you may be in need of and if there is anything we could possibly help with we are more than happy to help (or if we owe you something forget we said anything...just kidding :) ).

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Just a little fun experiment we came across that makes Mountain Dew glow. Enjoy!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

All of the Kalama cousins together again to say farewell to Uncle Bud

Elias's Uncle Bud face

Elias Waiata Baldwin Kauhane Tahu

Alex's first baseball game!
Bears kindergarten graduation program, during the middle of the program i noticed that she started to cry and I asked her after what was the matter, she said that she was so happy that she saw all of her family there. Grammie, Auntie K & Uncle Kevin came from Vegas, Auntie Kamaile & Wabby came from Cali & Auntie Loke, Auntie Hana, Michael & I were all there to celebrate with her.

After graduation swim party with all the cousins.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Were Back!

Let me tell ya, it has been a long and crazy summer and we have had so many great things happen in such a short period of time. To start Alex played on his first baseball team, Bear & Alex finished school. Our Uncle Bud(Baldwin Ninoa Kalama) passed away on the morning of June 10th. He truly was an example to me of pure Christ like love, he just had a way of making everyone around him feel special and never judged anybody. He loved everyone for who they were and I hope that i can follow his example. Love You Uncle Bud!! Our latest addition (#5) Elias Wiata Baldwin Kauhane Tahu was born at 10:36pm, almost 12 hours after our Uncle Bud had passed. He weighed 7lbs 7oz and was 19 1/4 ins. We like to believe that he got to spend some time with Uncle Bud before joining our little family! We had the best family reunion in Provo Utah for the fourth of July. I had a horrifying brush with death while tubing down the Ice Cold Raging waters of the Provo Canyon River! Ok so it wasn't really that bad but at the time I thought I could die, let me tell ya I was praying all the way down that river. For all of you who went on that trip i think we should have a survivor reunion July 4th 2009 anyways, after the reunion we had baby Kloee's baby shower, Alex turned 8 on 8-8-08 and we had a very fun swimming party for him. Alex, Bear & Leo started school and Leos has just started kindergarten, I was a little afraid of how he was going to do because the only response i got from him after his first day of school was "It took to long" but as the days went on he's grown to love it and he's doing very well. Bear is loving school and she has made alot of new friends including boys(i'm not sure i like that to much).

I was able to be with my little sis and her husband when she gave birth to her first little baby Kloee Mae Lyon she is sooo hair and all! In September we had our 1st baptism, Alexander was baptized and confirmed by Mike and following his baptism Mike was able to give Elias his baby blessing, it was a Beautiful day! Last but not least we are almost ready to break ground for building our home, it should be finished this next spring Yea! We are so excited for the future and feel that we are very blessed for all of the life experiences, events & lessons we have had in our little family in these past few years. Mind you we could have never done any of this without the help of many friends and family members and of above all our Heavenly Father.

We look forward to keeping you all properly updated and informed of our whereabouts and hope to stay in close contact as well. So until next time, ALOHA!!!

Monday, April 7, 2008